Grouss Präisschëlter - Set vun 12

€116 EUR


Eng méi kleng Versioun vun eise Counter Signs, d'Präisschëlder sinn e bessere Wee fir déi kleng Saachen ze Präis. Verfügbar an zwou Gréissten an enger Rei vu Faarwen, et gëtt eng Präis Display fir Äre Raum ze passen.


Sign Face: 8.8cm (L) x 1.1cm (W)
Magnet Letters: 0.7cm (L) x 0.5cm (W)
Material: Steel, Magnet
Weight: 0.5kgs

*Includes 12 x individual signs & 1,716 x letters, numbers, and symbols.
Suitable for indoor use only.


Do you sell a different size of the Large Pricing Signs?

Absolutely! We also sell the Pricing Signs which are a little smaller, and also have the Counter Signs, Card Counter Signs, and Standing Counter Signs for larger versions. Take a look at our full range of Tabletop Signage for more options.

How many letters and numbers come with the changeable Price Signs?

Each order of the price displays comes with four sheets of magnet letters and numbers, with 1,716 symbols in total.

How many Large Pricing Signs will come in each pack?

Each pack comes with 12 Pricing Signs and four sheets of magnetic letters, perfect for adding prices to your shop's products and cabinet food. 

What material is the metal price sign made from?

The Pricing Signs are made from magnetic steel.

Can the small magnetic signs be used outside?

The price display signs should not be used outdoors, as they are not considered weatherproof.