Specials bestyrelse

1.080,00 DKK

Tavle farve

En mindre specialmenutavle til de små ting, der skifter oftere. Sæt den på bordet ved hjælp af træbunden, eller skru den fast på væggen med de medfølgende skruer. En legende måde at vise dine daglige specialiteter på.


Sign: 30cm (L) x 22cm (W)
Base: 22cm (L) x 79.7cm (W))
Materials: Aluminium, Beechwood, Plastic
Weight: 0.8kg

*Includes 552x large letters, symbols & numbers.
Suitable for indoor use only.


How big is the Specials Board?

The Specials Board measures 30cm (L) x 22cm (W).

What material is the Specials Board made from?

The Specials Board is made from a beechwood base with an aluminium faceplate. The peg letters are made from plastic.

How can I display messages on the Specials Board?

A message can be displayed on the Specials Board using the peg letters supplied, which come in regular and large sizes.

What other countertop options does George & Willy sell?

We also sell the Counter Signs, Table Talkers, Table Number Stackers, and the Table Numbers for something different. Have a look at our complete Tabletop Collection for more.